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Rebekah Easter

WellBeingforEveryBody Founder

Rebekah Easter is a Montana-based

Health Educator, Somatically-trained

Coach, and Bodyworker with more

than 18 years of hands-on experience.


The methods and practices she presents inspire others to take a

leading role in their communities, enabling them to live their most rooted, authentic, and  liberated lives while working towards social and cultural change. Drawing from her personal experience as  a mother and

survivor of domestic violence, she shares intimate knowledge of transformational strategies with individuals, non-profits, b-corps, and

health care education professionals.


In addition to her leadership development work and one on one coaching, she provides a health-enhancing, evidence-based k-12 curriculum to schools. This curriculum gives insights and guidance to support healthy, whole-person development in both students and teachers. Rebekah’s guiding mission is to equip everybody she can with these life-changing leadership and resilience skills, while helping to build an intergenerational learning community that will last.


Rebekah's work with WBEB began in 2018 when Rebekah was asked

to create a program in Red Lodge schools to address increasing levels

of disengagement, nervous system deregulation, and mental health crises

in the student population. Students were struggling to cope with the

day-to-day demands of school, sports, their social circles, and home/life balance. Feeling overcome by pressures of modern life and, for many, challenges on the home front, students were struggling to get through their school day. Teachers were witnessing higher levels of stress, loneliness, feelings of being  overwhelmed, anxiety, depression, and general disengagement in the classroom. They were feeling burnt out and, at times, overwhelmed themselves. Something had to change. Working in alignment with the Whole Child Skill Development Competencies and Montana Health Education Standard, the SOMA Skills program was born.


Through engaging students in Somatic-based exercises (breath work, movement, and play) and Guiding Reflective Practice, SOMA Skills provides practical pathways for reconnection to the mind and body. SOMA Skills empowers educators and students to better cope with and navigate life’s inevitable challenges, and to deeply care for themselves and each other.

At its core, SOMA Skills provides an alternative to traditional health enhancement/PE in schools; building emotional literacy through

tapping into the body, its senses, and what's going on “inside”. 


Today, WBEB offers the evidence based SOMA Skills school programming as well as individual and group coaching work grounded in the values of resilience, connection, and care.



WBEB Founder Rebekah Easter

Education & Certifications


national council on mental wellbeing

• youth mental health first aid instructor - 50+ hr certification


international coaching federation

• pcc - 500+ hour coaching certification


• mindfulness trainer - 40+ hour coaching certification

academy for mindful teaching


strozzi institute for embodied leadership

• csc - 200+ hour somatic coaching & bodywork certification, levels I and II


national holistic institute

• cmt - 900+ hr massage therapy certification



coaching collab

• trauma informed coaching


idaho coalition against sexual & domestic violence

• seven generations


rockwood leadership institute

• art of leadership


strozzi institute for embodied leadership

• leadership in action

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