What They Say: Testimonials From Our Community
"I am better able to self-regulate and process my emotions in healthy ways.
I have always struggled with boundaries,
but am now more capable of standing my ground without feeling guilty about it.
Her mind/body approach is simple, yet powerful, and our work together has been life changing."
Coaching Client
"[WellBeingforEveryBody] has helped me find value in my whole life — not just my work life. Since becoming involved in [WBEB], I’m more conscious of my health, relationships, and purpose. I now organize my day around the six core aspects of life I learned in [WBEB].Now I evaluate work projects by their meaningfulness, not just by how much they’ll pay.
Although we live hundreds of miles apart, some of my closest friends I met through [WBEB]. I feel more present in my body and environment after participating in [WBEB]. [WellBeingforEveryBody] has helped me broaden my perspective. The easy breathing exercises help me quiet my mind and cut down on stress."
WBEB community member
"I was feeling stuck for a long time. This has given me a different perspective. I can see new possibilities. The exploration, the community... it's life changing."
WBEB Community Member
"Everywhere I’ve been, schools have talked about how we can incorporate some sort of mindfulness practice, but it’s hard, it’s difficult.
It takes a particular skill set ....and I haven’t seen it done until now."
Dana Q.
Red Lodge High School
"This program helped me understand myself and my peers better. When I do the exercises, I am more calm and focused.
I like how much more aware I am, and how much happier I am"
RLHS participant
"This program changed my life.
I learned really great tools that I can use every day, and I know they will help me in
the future, too"
RLHS participant
"When things go awry in my life, instead of just poppin' off and reacting, I'm able to pause and consider how I'm feeling and why, and then be thoughtful about what I do next. I can calm and center myself, and that's one thing I've never been able to do"
Z. G.
Coaching Client